Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Getting Focused on What's Important - Where I'm Going With this Blog

I started writing this blog almost a year ago. The idea was to chronicle and record the events that took place as I was pursuing God's call on my life to ministry. A lot has happened in the past year. I finished seminary. I was offered a position at Charles Town Baptist Church as the Associate Pastor for Youth and Children. My wife recently gave birth to our fourth child. It's been a really busy year.

While I had intended to write about my journey in pursuing ministry, I also managed to get off track. There was a time where this blog was a humor blog. I wrote about current events in the world of Evangelicalism. I wrote about my children. I wrote about music. Occasionally, I wrote about my pursuit of ministry. The blog was all over the place. I never really found my place or my voice.

With that being said, I am going to refocus the blog. I am going to make it primarily a blog about youth and children's ministry. My desire is to write about ideas related to ministering to students and to children, providing encouragement, resources, and training to other ministers who are pursuing God's calling as well.

I will still write about my children and my family, from time to time. God has blessed me with an incredible wife and four of the most amazing boys since Jacob's (I just hope they turn out better than those fools). My children do some amazing things and I believe that God is teaching me about ministry through them.

You can expect to find book reviews related to youth ministry. You can expect to find event ideas and reviews of resources. I promise that I will make a visit to my blog well-worth your time. If you feel that I am not upholding this promise, please contact me at pearson.jon@gmail.com or on Twitter at @CTBCJonathan or @wannabepreacher. Of course, positive comments are always welcome as well.

Thank you and I look forward to serving God with you in the future.

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