Tuesday, January 24, 2012

FinishYear 2012 - Memorizing Not Going So Well

So, at the beginning of 2012, I had these grand plans to memorize 1 John and James. I designed a great memory book with 1 John all broken up into 5 or 6 verse sections. It was supposed to take me 19 weeks to memorize it.

Things started well, but I have to be honest, it is not going well right now. For whatever reason, I simply cannot get the verses to stick in my head. I have not used my book like I had planned to do. I do review the verses, but not as often as I would like and I am falling behind.

I say all this to let you know that memorizing James might get pushed to next year. I want to make sure that I am giving 1 John the attention that it deserves and that I have it firmly embedded in both my mind and my heart before I move on. Additionally, I am using Memverse.com to learn a number of other verses. Hopefully things will get better, but that is where I am on this project right now. I would ask that you would pray for me to continue to study and memorize. Studying Scripture is definitely something that requires the Lord's help.

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